"My hope is that you and a few friends will read these aloud, as if they were a songbook with shape notes. Pop open a bottle of something, and say these words. Or just as I did, read them slowly—with your mental director filling the stage with performers, lights and sound."
—Idris Goodwin, Guest Editor
—Idris Goodwin, Guest Editor
untitled poem for the smallest ghost PORTIA ELAN Things I Have to Say About My Sister NATE MARSHALL god made the hundreds, man made it wild The Blast LYNNE PROCOPE The Byrd poems part 1. KYLAN RICE Paris Preparedness Class At Providence Hospital CYNTHIA MANICK Passing CARA DEES Three Dreams |
Reviews & InterviewsInterview with Vievee Francis
by Laura Steadwell, Poetry Editor Maybe the Saddest Thing by Marcus Wicker Review by Kendra DeColo, Book Review Editor Horse in the Dark by Vievee Francis Review by Lindsay Miller, Book Reviewer Wine for a Shot Gun by Marty McConnell Review by Jacob Victorine, Book Reviewer