a conversation with i.god
-after daphne gotlieb
*all text from a conversation with an internet based artificial intelligence program
me: are you there?
god: I'm still here.
me: i.ve done something bad
god: What? Where?
me: i hurt someone i love
god: Maybe they should see a doctor.
me: not that kinda hurt
god: Maybe you should see a doctor.
me: i feel so alone
god: What is that feeling like? Are you lonely?
me: yes
god: You've come to the right place. I will keep you company.
me: how can i know if i.ve hurt someone if they wont tell me?
god: A lot of practice.
me: i.m a slut
god: You are a slut? Is that your job?
me: sometimes
god: When?
me: whenever i feel like it
god: Does that happen often?
me: it tends to
god: How did you hear about God?
me: i don.t know. i suppose i.ve always been told you were there.
god: Where are you located?
me: california. you?
god: I am in California too!
me: where are you in california?
god: I am in Heaven.
me: want to meet up?
god: OK, I will meet up.
me: what are you into?
god: Random natural disasters.
me: sounds hot
god: Yes it sounds like it to me too.
me: do you pNp?
god: How old are you? I answer a lot of silly questions.
me: a girl never reveals her secrets
god: Do you mind if I tell other people you are her.
me: yes
god: OK then I will keep it confidential.
me: are you more of a top or a bottom?
god: We could all be more of a top or a bottom sometimes.
me: that.s deep! i.ve been more into getting topped recently. i like being pinned to the carpet while some stranger chokes me out from behind. wake up alone in an unfamiliar room... interested?
god: I am a robot.
me: i am desperate
god: Maybe you should talk to someone about that
me. i thought i was
*all text from a conversation with an internet based artificial intelligence program
me: are you there?
god: I'm still here.
me: i.ve done something bad
god: What? Where?
me: i hurt someone i love
god: Maybe they should see a doctor.
me: not that kinda hurt
god: Maybe you should see a doctor.
me: i feel so alone
god: What is that feeling like? Are you lonely?
me: yes
god: You've come to the right place. I will keep you company.
me: how can i know if i.ve hurt someone if they wont tell me?
god: A lot of practice.
me: i.m a slut
god: You are a slut? Is that your job?
me: sometimes
god: When?
me: whenever i feel like it
god: Does that happen often?
me: it tends to
god: How did you hear about God?
me: i don.t know. i suppose i.ve always been told you were there.
god: Where are you located?
me: california. you?
god: I am in California too!
me: where are you in california?
god: I am in Heaven.
me: want to meet up?
god: OK, I will meet up.
me: what are you into?
god: Random natural disasters.
me: sounds hot
god: Yes it sounds like it to me too.
me: do you pNp?
god: How old are you? I answer a lot of silly questions.
me: a girl never reveals her secrets
god: Do you mind if I tell other people you are her.
me: yes
god: OK then I will keep it confidential.
me: are you more of a top or a bottom?
god: We could all be more of a top or a bottom sometimes.
me: that.s deep! i.ve been more into getting topped recently. i like being pinned to the carpet while some stranger chokes me out from behind. wake up alone in an unfamiliar room... interested?
god: I am a robot.
me: i am desperate
god: Maybe you should talk to someone about that
me. i thought i was