A History of Manic Depression
For God so loved the world he drove it straight into a brick wall, and the world folded around him, and the world removed thirty percent of the flesh from his face, and the world broke three of his ribs, and the world was on fire, and the world was pried open by a host of angels, and the world was sprayed with chemicals and water, and the world was placed on the back of a large tow truck, and the world was evaluated by an insurance agent, and the world was declared a total loss, and the world was replaced with a new world.
by Raul Alvarez
Raul Alvarez lives and writes in Chicago. He received an MFA in creative writing from Columbia College, and his work has been featured in PANK, Elimae, Court Green, Ghost Proposal, and elsewhere. You can find more of his writing at raulrafaelalvarez.com.