What We Talk About When We Talk About the Pursuit of Gender Euphoria
by Levi Cain
blessed be.
the body. blessed.
holy ghost in
ethical spandex. in glitter
holding silicone
as the staff. blessed.
magritte’s mermaid
strolling past in
and into the hot hands of
a fisherwoman,
that which is our
lady of transition.
blessed. laurels made of
nylon and cotton and five
milliliters of. thank you
for asking. it’s old. it didn’t
cost that much,
considering. fifteen pounds of
flesh and rowan says california
is nice this time of year,
besides which it’s cheaper.
blessed. the press
of cheekbone to
mirror to open palm.
lavender and brandy
under your
tongue for an entire
weekend. blessed.
joy as a watermelon
seed i keep
swallowing on
purpose. as
a scripture. as a millstone,
gifted from camila’s neck,
now used to broaden my
shoulders. blessed.
inheritance being
my father’s curling
beard now on
my own jaw. blessed.
inheritance being
hips wide as the
atlantic. blessed. inheritance
being whatever the fuck
i want it to be. blessed.
my body not a
temple but a
disco spinning itself into
the ground. blessed.
the blaze a shower
of sequins. blessed.
my body rising from
the ashes. blessed. thank
god i survived enough
to be someone who
could bring you flowers—miracle.
Levi Cain is a gay Black writer from Boston, MA. Their work has been shortlisted for Brain Mill Press’ 2019 National Poetry Month contest, as well as nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net. Their first chapbook, dogteeth, is available from Ursus Americanus Press.