Laura’s Vibrator
by Claire Skinner
“I'm nearly up on the moon and didn't need a rocket.” –Patsy Cline
Imagine a man a sailor
on a black boat
throwing an anchor into the night
and Marilyn Monroe twisting
in the sky pushing
her white dress down as I
take off my clothes
walk into the great
lake and die
Imagine a man a sailor
on a black boat
throwing an anchor into the night
and Marilyn Monroe twisting
in the sky pushing
her white dress down as I
take off my clothes
walk into the great
lake and die
Claire Skinner is a graduate of the Helen Zell Writers’ Program at the University of Michigan and was a Zell Postgraduate Fellow in creative writing. Her poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner and The Sonoran Desert: A Literary Field Guide (University of Arizona Press, 2016). She lives in Tucson, Arizona, with a husband, a cat, and lots of leggy plants.