Pillar of Want
by Adam Gianforcaro
after “Herm of Dionysos,” 200–100 B.C.
All the men I would
cast in bronze if I
could, bodies rid of
everything but face
and phallus, room
after room pillared
with beams of bulk
and brutish hunger.
Set now a bench at
the center of the
gallery, a station to
slow one’s looking
and consider deeply
the deities of
once-flesh fantasies.
How funny it feels to
be held so longingly
in a place of stone
eyes and limbless lust,
the stone-cold cool of
copper raising a chill
in the room. But
there’s warmth here
too: the heat of a
camera, breath behind
a hole in the wall. The
mostly pretend yawn
of a security guard
side-eyeing me again
Adam Gianforcaro is the author of the poetry collection Every Living Day (Thirty West Publishing House, 2023). His work can be found in The Offing, Poet Lore, Third Coast, Northwest Review, and elsewhere. He lives in Delaware.